
Get the perspectives of founders, resource partners and other members of the StartupGVL community. From reactions to recent events, or tips from insiders who know, our blog is the place to expand your knowledge on all things startup.

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A Business Plan for Getting Punched in the Face

Running a startup is kind of like a boxing match...

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Inspiring Inclusion: Build Relationships and Accept Feedback

Find your voice and become a champion for your community…
Women are finding their voice

Strengthening our Future Workforce by Embracing Trends, Utilizing Proven Methods

StartupGVL has momentum and perfectly positioned to tackle a big challenge for growing areas and ecosystems…
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Authentic Leadership: Find Your Voice and Promote Your Team

City of Greenville Director of Communications Engagement has an Ah ha moment thanks to executive coach for BMW worldwide Nicki Creech…
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From left to right: David Dykes of Greenville Business Magazine, Dr. Sabrina Russ of Simplicity Community Pharmacy, Lydia Callahan of ReadingHQ, Erik Weir of WCM, Ben Sarracino of Method Performance Labs, and yours truly.

Pitches and Perspectives

A few months ago my department director tapped me to represent The City of Greenville as a judge in the 30k Powerup Pitch Competition a statewide virtual competition for startups Despite having competed and won in a pitch competition before this was my first stint as a judge Equipped with…
Court is in session

Go for Disney, Stay for Greenville Collaboration

I love Disney but not like most people While many obsess over the parks movies and merchandise I love Disney s corporate history and structure Yes you read that correctly…
Find the #StartupGVL magic

Rooted in Two Countries: Inspired by a Fellow Immigrant

Ghisela Eljach moved to Greenville when she was around my age By herself She was not fluent in English Her family was a world away in Barranquilla Colombia She was studying to be a lawyer When she first moved to Greenville Ghisela started out in a factory packing sheets to…
Take an Immigrant’s Journey