Greenville-Based Startup Goes Global

It’s not quite “two guys in a garage start a business and become billionaires,” but it’s close.

Greenville-based software startup Advoco was just acquired by Fortune Global 500 company Accenture for an undisclosed (hint: large) amount of money.

Advoco specializes in Enterprise Asset Management. The company maintains business management software that allows customers to increase productivity, improve reliability, ensure compliance, reduce energy use and become more sustainable.

The complexity of their work makes their startup location rather ironic. Advoco’s first office space was housed above “Café and Then Some,” a deeply Southern, off-beat, low-brow comedy dinner theater.

Brindle and fellow partner Marty Osborn chose Greenville and grew the business here because of the talent pipeline from Clemson University and Furman University, the quality and cost of living, and the large number of co-working spaces. They’re based at the NEXT Innovation Center.

“We love being part of the NEXT community because you come in and everything is included. As entrepreneurs we don’t want to worry about paying water bills and utilities or hiring a cleaning company. We want to focus on growing our business,” said Marty Osborn, Managing Partner of Advoco.

“When we started, we had a ten-person office, and there were three people. We worried whether we’d fill that up. At one point we thought about buying an office. Thank goodness we didn’t, because we’d have outgrown it in a year.”
-Steve Brindle,
Advoco founder,
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